European Creative Lab

By clicking on one of these packets can start a short intro to the particular connected project.
At the end  of this 20 second clip you may decide:
to click directly into our lab – if you already have an access code – or to the intermediate results of our creative processes.

Hope you like it!

Sacrifice 1 Anfang

During the Covid -19 pandemia we put our production centre from the analog into the virtual public space – like may others – and initiated together with our international partners and friends the European Creative Lab. Beside of a weekly appointment for a 5 o’clock tea every Saturday since the 28th of March we work currently on 4 projects:
„Think Different“, „ Life in Quarantine“, „Windows“and “Sacrifice”
If you would like to join, write a short email.
In the article above (European Creative Lab) we present in a bit playful way the results of our working together, crossing the borders again…